
Jan 16 - 23 2025


8:00 am - 6:00 pm

Gift Card Exchange Program

Introducing Mayfair’s Gift Card Exchange Program!

Got gift cards from other Vancouver Island retailers that you’re not sure how to use? Exchange them for a Mayfair Gift Card of the same value and shop your favourite stores here at Mayfair!

How it works:

  • Bring your eligible gift cards to Guest Services.
  • Exchange them for a Mayfair Gift Card of equal value.
  • Your exchanged gift cards will be donated to Habitat for Humanity Victoria to support their incredible work in our community.

*While supplies last. Conditions may apply.
Minimum Value: Mayfair Gift Cards start at $25.
Limit: There is an exchange limit of $200 gift card exchange per guest per day.
Combine Cards: You can combine gift cards to meet the $25 minimum, as long as each card is valued at $10 or more.
Any Retailer: The cards don’t need to be from Mayfair retailers but must be accepted in Vancouver Island.
Rounded Up: The value will be rounded up to the nearest dollar.

For more information, call guest services at 250.383.0541

Visit us today to take part in this heartwarming initiative!